
Increase the import file size limit in phpmyAdmin/Xampp/Wamp

If there is a limit on the files size which has to be uploaded from server end (for ex: uploading a file through an HTML form) we must increase the threshold value of the file size capacity. By default, file size limit is 2MB or the import size in PHPMyAdmin, that makes it difficult to import larger files. We can increase the upload file capacity by editing php.ini configuration file.

The values to change are:

post_max_size = 8M
upload_max_filesize = 2M
max_execution_time = 30
max_input_time = 60
memory_limit = 128M

Usually in Xampp php.ini configuration file is located in xampp/php/php.ini (Type of file: Configuration settings). We must ensure that post_max_size is the same or larger than upload_max_filesize. Find the following parameters (CTRL+F) and change their values to more than your database size for ex:

post_max_size = 800M
upload_max_filesize = 800M
max_execution_time = 5000
max_input_time = 5000
memory_limit = 1000M

After changing the values, remember to restart your web server.

» phpMyAdmin is a free and open source and cross platform tool for the administration of MySQL or MariaDB via a web browser.
» Xampp is an acronym for X (any Operating System), Apache(Web server), MySQL Database, PHP Language and PERL.
» WAMP is an acronym for Windows (OS), Apache (web-server), MySQL (database), PHP (language).

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